Kyle’s work is heavily influenced by his personal relationship with gender and sexual identity. Exploring themes of masculinity, vulnerability and the human form. Creating bold, graphic and often provocative imagery that introduce the viewer into an alternate world. His practice has a strong focus on creating surreal, imaginative and conceptual perspectives from real world narratives. Using creative lighting, colour and in camera techniques in dramatic, unconventional ways with the goal of reimagining our human existence. Subverting gender roles and challenging the status quo, Kyle's images always expand the imagination and expectations of beauty.

In 2022 Kyle was selected by the Royal Hibernian Academy as part of their Annual Exhibition. His work has also been featured in IMAGE Magazine, Stellar, Schön, PAP, Totally Dublin, Kaltblut and Slippage magazine. Kyle also has a growing body of work commissioned from the commercial sector, producing campaign imagery for Brown Thomas, Arnotts, TBWA\Dublin and BeLonG To Youth Services.



Entwined for SICKY Magazine (Digital Editorial)

Image Magazine Spring Issue (Cover and Editorial)


Image Magazine Winter Issue (Cover and Editorial)

Ahead of the Curve for Irish Independent Weekend Magazine - (Print Editorial & Cover)

Divergence for MMSCENE (Digital Editorial)

Sunday Life Magazine (Interview)

Aesthetica Future Now 125 Contemporary Artists (Feature)

Awakening for Stellar Magazine (Print Editorial)


Arts Council, Agility Award

Metal Magazine (Feature)

District Magazine (Feature)

Totally Dublin (Interview)

Altered States (Solo Show)

Dystopia, Schön Magazine (Digital Editorial)

Alternate Worlds, RHA Annual Exhibition (Group Show)

Boys like me, Slippage Magazine (Digital Editorial)

Strange Fruit, PAP Magazine (Digital Editorial)


Protégé Moi, Totally Dublin (Print Editorial)

Loverboy, Kaltblut (Digital Editorial)

Speculum, Kaltblut (Digital Editorial)

Transcendence, FGUK Magazine (Digital Editorial)

Kyle Sven is a South African
born fine art photographer and
art director currently based
in Dublin, Ireland.

Email //
Instagram // @_kylesven